

Entrepreneurship is the
best form of charity

Starting a new society means that a lot of needs must be met. Entrepreneurship is the best way to create jobs and wealth by solving people’s problems.

We try to satisfy as many needs as possible but we cannot plan our local economy and micromanage our residents so we encourage everyone to take a entrepreneurial approach to life and instead of asking us to solve a problem try to take on the task themselves.


Our business platform

Through our business platform citizens can requests services, entrepreneurs can find investors for their enterprise and they can find workers in the job advertisement section.


Initial contract

Every resident, otherwise called proprietario, has to accept the community terms and conditions. To establish the ownership on the claimed land, the proprietario, or a delegate, must put the land to use by building a house or any kind of business.

All internal disputes are to be solved internally through the legal system in place. No proprietario is allowed to resort to state’s legal services as it would be considered a threat. All properties may be lost as compensation.


You are free to make everybody's life better

You can build houses, offices, stores and rent them.

You can organize events for proprietarios or visitors from outside.

You can sell whatever product you think maybe be needed.

You can grow plants or you can raise cattle and chickens.

You can create [un]schools for the children.

You can build sport facilities and organize sport events.

You can cook food for proprietarios and for visitors from outside.

You can manufacture products you think would be useful.